The Unity approach to prayer is based on affirmative, conscious communication with God and has a universal, interfaith appeal.
Unity was founded on the power of positive prayer and the seemingly miraculous healing of co-founder, Myrtle Fillmore. Myrtle discovered that by repeating the affirming phrase "I Am a perfect child of God and therefore did not inherit illness," spending time in conscious communication with God, and through changes in how she cared for herself in body, mind and spirit she was able to heal herself of Tuberculosis. Using this same practice of affirmative prayer, Myrtle and her husband Charles began a prayer and healing ministry that has become the worldwide spiritual movement known today as Unity.

Our Prayer Support Team members receive in-depth training to learn how to pray affirmatively with you. A gentle voice in the midst of chaos can help us to feel the Presence of Spirit again. The Prayer Support Team is available for private prayer on request. Additionally, prayer requests submitted to the church by phone or email are held in prayer for 30 days by our Prayer Support Team. After 30 days, your prayer request is sent to Silent Unity for another 30 days of prayer.
There is a light that shines in Silent Unity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This light represents a spiritual light generated by more than 100 years of constant prayer. It is the light of thousands of voices who join in speaking words of faith and blessing. It is a light lit by many decades of faith in God and by many hearts and minds united in the love of God. Our worldwide prayer ministry, Silent Unity is available to pray with you 24/7.
Do you have a prayer request? There are several ways to contact Silent Unity, the 24/7-prayer ministry:
Call: 1-816-969-2000
Write: Silent Unity, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065-0001
Download the uPray mobile prayer app on your mobile device
Or use our prayer form button below.